my application
name:Roy (if i post last name i feel like i will be made fun of)
belt:2 dan
mods im good at:judo and aikido
clan history:sun,voltage, and flame
reason i want to join: is because this clan is amazing and just seeing tthe people in this clan are amazing
bad things i have done: i got mad at someone for useing a certain move on twinswords but i made up for it by saying sorry
some replays:can you show me how then i can add one
"Interview with Mystery800"

"So, Mystery800, any bad history? Also do you have any alternative accounts?"

"No bad history, but i have posted in the wrong place on forums and have gotten infracted (warning).
I do have an alt, which is lnfinity I made this account as a backup, although don't use it as much."

"Any previous clans/organizations you've been part of?"

"Yes I do, three to be exact: [ACP] [SHOCK] [SM0KE]"

"Anything about you?"

"Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, [infractions] and all; and, from belonging to a [clan] that accepts you without question.
Willard Scott "

"How about skills and ingame style?"

"When I started out fighting, i fought more stiff and grabby. It always seemed to help and hurt equally, though it did more good than bad. i started to learn more about how to be more relaxed, keeping hands free, yet using that stiffness when needed. i started creating moves off of base moves in twinswords, such as the deathstep, which helped me with jumping to the side, etc. Of course, I fight more aikido and ninjitsu like, rather than twinswords. I now use more of an experiment trial and error, for example move creating during extra time in my classes, which always seems to work differently then i create them for, usually in a good way. They are more starters to work off of than doing the one move over and over again, unless it has been perfected. To me it feels just more like clicking off of knowledge and seeing how it plays out."


< Shh... It's a Secret button.

Attached Files
afk success.rpl (27.5 KB, 3 views)
split in half 4.rpl (35.8 KB, 3 views)
beat 10th dan.rpl (41.3 KB, 3 views)
beat fifth dan.rpl (54.8 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Mystery; Nov 10, 2012 at 06:33 AM.
Not that great app is not that great.
That being said apps don't tell you much about the person's eligibility to join a clan since everyone says that they are good at stuff, etc etc.
I guess we'll find out more about you via background check. Good luck, EJM is relentless.

EDIT: decided to do a bit of digging myself and found out that 9 hours ago you were part of [smoke]

incase you edit it
Originally Posted by Mystery800 View Post
ok guys how does our new banner look? i can still change it though.

Last edited by Text; Nov 4, 2012 at 04:28 AM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"