Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Should i use this song?
2 Votes / 50.00%
2 Votes / 50.00%
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Originally Posted by Bounafizta View Post
damnit he wins...

No he doesn't. Highschool's great. After this year he's off into the real world and/or college, neither of which are as care-free as highschool days.
Sang most seniors just have a give a shit attitude and hardly show up aka senioritis since most are lready accepted into college
Masta, "hardly show up?" There's senior skip day, but that's just once. And anyway, those who are on a waiting list for a really good school still care, because there's a chance they'll get accepted...but when they pick off the waiting list they look at your senior year grades.
I got in to UC Denver. So I'm goin there.

also i've had senioritis since freshman year.

and high school is meh. Moving away from my family and especially MY BROTHER is going to be great. can't wait.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
congrats on the college sir ._. i'm 'bout 4 years from that can of worms :o
and i concur, if i were to move away from mai family, that's a big thumbs up for me
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
:o i've made many secret codes in my lifetime...which hasn't been very long lol
this one's pretty fun, tho, i must say :P i just might use it in Rl!
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Ieti iese nioiti oivoeoro yeeoti! Nioi meaotitieoro hioiwi leoinigo tihiiese tihiroeoaode iese uepe, Ie wiielele AOLEWIAOYESE kieoeope ieti aoleievoeo! Seoi, setiaoroti peoisetiienigo yeoiuero oiwini meseseaogoeose! Setiaoroti ao cioinivoeoroseaotiieoini ueseienigo meye cioideeo!