Forging a small stable head flame is 80k minimum.
Selling a small one, the price is like 40k tops.
So yeah, this would be like 60k. Depends if the person really wants it though.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Forging a small stable head flame is 80k minimum.
Selling a small one, the price is like 40k tops.
So yeah, this would be like 60k. Depends if the person really wants it though.

Ah, thanks. Just sold for 65k.
Around 200k-300k for Pure No Qi.
I dunno about elf.


How much would Azurite Force go for now that there's none in the market?
Last edited by Erth; Mar 11, 2013 at 09:41 PM. Reason: double post
Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
How much would Azurite Force go for now that there's none in the market?

I'd say something around 70k but im not sure
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Originally Posted by LatinBlade View Post
Can please anyone tell me the price of ELF OR PURE FORCE NO QI?

Elf force used to be around 300k
Pure force is just under 400k. Something like 375k.
Check with the marketeers to be sure.
Originally Posted by Overlord View Post
No, about 120-180k.

He was asking for no QI Restriction...
What you're giving is like the normal price :|

Anyways, how much is Platnium Force, Full 128 and 512 Head.
elf force on market is 20k ._. and full 128 is like 30-33k
full bumpmap :P
Last edited by -Ze-; Mar 12, 2013 at 10:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
He was asking for no QI Restriction...
What you're giving is like the normal price :|

Anyways, how much is Platnium Force, Full 128 and 512 Head.

Dork, that was the price for no qi elf.

Plat force ~ 35-40k
Full 128 without head ~ 29k
512 head ~ 17k

Full bump map ~ 35k
Last edited by Wolfe; Mar 12, 2013 at 10:48 PM.