[Hybrid] Buy, Sell, Trade, Give.
Hey guys,
In this thread, if you have any items you want to get or want to get rid of, post them here and if anyone has the item and is willing to sell, trade or give it to you then you could get it cheap . ;]
If you have any item you want to sell or trade post it here how much Toricredits or what item(s) you will trade for it. If you are looking for an item to buy, post it in here and if someone has it and is willing to sell, trade or give it to you maybe you will get a good price for it. If you have any items you just want to give away post it here and i' sure someone will take it out of your hands. Remember guys, make a good price for you clan members. ;]
Note: If someone is giving away alot of items at once, they have the right to limit the ammount of items each person can have. Also, this is for Hybrid members only. If you are NOT in Hybrid and you ask for a free item, you WILL be reported. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Have fun with this guys. ;]