Age: 17
Belt/Qi (User Card): Brown Belt
Past Clans: None
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): None
Infraction History: Joined January 2011
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I a good player in Katana, Adkito, and i'm lucky in Judo. When i lose i learn how the player fights and their weakness. I think I would be a good member for this clan and hope I would be able to lear from the other members.
Replays: I have two already on the site one is called Bed Time and the other is called Holding Hands (both Katana)
My application is supported by CW member: dge
(Is it complete now)
My latest work
Age: 12
Belt/Qi (User Card): black,1071
Past Clans: -Renegade Demons
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): PWNing
Infraction History: none
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): i need a clan and i like judo
My application is supported by CW member: no
Replays: Post here at least 3 replays
When applying, try to value your application more, it represents who you have some self-respect. This does not mean be a swollen headed egotist. A couple key things to ask yourself before submitting your application here or for college/job.
-1. Have I provided the information asked for? This shows your ability to read comprehensively as well as the ability to work within set out parameters.
-2. Within that framework does who you are reach out and grab the attention of the reader? Show you are special.
-3. Are the claims I made in my application true? Getting caught in a blatantly false claim will end your chance of acceptance fast.
-4. Finally ask yourself, would you accept the application you are preparing to submit.
We are not asking you to spend weeks on this but consider that one well written application will get you much farther than 100 terrible ones. Thank you.