TS R34G at recruiters, edited out the insults
-Name : Jackyz Nimiars
-Age : 17
-Belt : Green with 103 Qi
-Rank : 4718
-Win Ratio : 20:8
-Former Clans : Indonesia [INA]
-Forum Activity : Forever
-In-game Activity : 3 Hours
-Why you would like to join : Because i want follow my friend Decashine and i'm is very active member
-Special Talents(Such as Art, video making, etc) : Replay
-Hobby :Playing Toribash,read book,watching and playing pc
-About you : My name is Jackyz Nimiars.You can call me Jackyz.I'm live in Indonesia and i have many friends
-Two or more replays :
Name: fazluraja in game
Belt: black
Mods: my favorite mod are aikido and judo
Clan History: i didnt have a clan
Who recruited you: EJM
Reason For applying: this clan is very good for me
Do you have skype?: no
"I have read and will abide by the 'rules of Secret' list.": yes
"I have a black belt or higher and 50+ post": yes