Hello DarkFire, greetings from VorteX. How's becoming official coming along you guys? Let VorteX know when you are, and we may be able to work out an alliance. gl guys.
Yeah, I know, VorteX are a pretty admirable clan, we still need work to become official and I don't want us to fail. Even though we now NEVER fall off the front page of the Clan DSC forum, I still don't think we are active enough
well i think we should really start to decide to ether get read and put up the application or figure out what to get to the point of ready thats what i feel we should do
and on a side note i feel we are ready and even if we are denied a first time i feel we will learn more from trying than fearing the possible rejection
so with said i feel we should start filling the bank up some more so donate what you want when ever you want
remember a little makes a lot
I think we are quite ready to be honest we should concerntrate on applying. We are really active and we are doing a tremendous job so keep up the good work guys!!!
There is kno pre-requisite to hold a tourney but i think a betting server might make us a bit of money
I think we are ready too, if we put effort on that application, we can become official, but if we get rejected, theres always a second try
Guys, can you give me some tips on how i can make a great replay, because i can create one at all
Last edited by Style23; May 27, 2011 at 03:20 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
F ight A gainst G renade S pam See what i did there?