I remember a post I saw on elohell (a reddit for LoL players) about a week ago; something like a piechart some text over it saying reasons why I don't have a girlfriend: 2000 elo. I am here today to proudly say 2000 Elo and a girlfriend.
Nailed that.
I would probably be at Platinum too if I played more ranked. I stopped taking the game seriously so I only play when I can focus on the game properly. So far I've never lost my lane to anyone in a 2 month time. When I'll get 30 lvl and 16 champs on west I'll probably play everyday.
dafuq? I'm still a fucking silver 5 (hating those trolls, I'm not playing ranked anymore)
sometimes normal games are more difficult than some rankeds lol
wtf best riven europe?
@XPAD: I can't say Best Riven EU, come on. More like AboveAverage Riven EU haha. Anyways I love Riven and her mechanics.
About winning ranked games, it's all about having the right mindset. Getting mad will make you commit more mistakes and eventually lose games. Usually I play 1-2 ranked games / day so I won't get mad. Slowly but stready ...
@Perica: I HOPE IT WON'T GET CANCELED. It is supposed to be this Friday ( in 6 days) and we're up 40 guys (that's 8 teams). Prize is RP. I think 975.
Get a viable champion who is good in team fights. I play Jayce and Varus most of the time. Their play style and skill sets suit me. With Jayce I just get level 2 before my opponent giving a bad leash to my jungler to get all the first wave of creeps. Usually opponents will be late so they will miss a creep or even a wave if he is giving a hard leash to blue or getting wraiths. I always buy a ward and put it in the river so I could be sure to kill my opponent without jungle pressure. Farming while harassing is really important. I find it difficult myself cause I sometimes miss a creep for a free auto attack to my opponent. If the champion is melee and he plays aggressive don't let him do free damage to you. When ever he plays aggressive try hitting and running when he turns back to get creeps, chase him by doing more auto attacks. And repeat everything. I've learned how much damage I do to creeps with my skills so I usually farm with my shock blast and gate. I let my freeze if it is a good opponent. When ever he approaches minions I hit caster minions when he is near them. getting 3 creeps instantly and getting a chunk out of your opponent is key to winning. When he disengages go to hammer stance and use all your skills on him. Usually solo top champions are tanks so thundering blow should deal a lot of damage. And when hitting a champion walk in to a brush to loose minion agro. I usually go back when I have enough money for brutalizer, some mana pots and ward. I get enough money approximately when my ward times out. I don't get tear of the godess first as it only is for mana purposes. I manage my mana usage and I don't use spells to farm waves when I can do auto attack and the opponent isn't standing by the creeps. If you get bad teammates start roaming. Maybe even get boots of mobility if there aren't hard cc champions. I don't go tanky as Jayce before mid game. I usually rush brutalizer, manamune, blood thirster. BT gives some sustain so health pots aren't required. Manamune will give you mana so there aren't any potions required. Only wards if your team hasn't warded anything. It is important to help your mid lane and go for the mid tower then take drake if your team is in position. The key is to harass in team fights. If your team is even with opponents. Tell them to not engage and spam your shock blast and gate. Eventually you'll get someone low enough and make the call to engage. So there could be no trades in the teamfight. Only in late game get your defensive items. They should be either Frozen mallet or Warmog, Maw of Malmortius, GA or even Banshee. Depends on the situation. You should always play in the back line. Let your jungler take all the damage and harass the carries. I usually stay out of fights just to spam my Q+E combo all the time. Jump in when you are sure you can survive or take out 2 champions. Go for blue buff all the time if your AP mid sucks and for red if adc sucks. Individual play is important. Probably the most important thing is csing if you suck at it play custom game by yourself and just farm. If you miss some creeps do it over and over again until you can get a decent cs. Don't go hero and tank all the damage if you are fed. At that time you are stronger than your adc. I could make a commentary on my game but I'm lazy to record. I'll just give you a fine example of how Dyrus plays him. I started learning from him. The build has changed a bit because the video is somewhat old. Start with crystaline flask, a ward and mana pot.
Just study these games and you should dominate your lane.