thanks for all the support blkk
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Let it be KNOWN.

Soulon has joined the crew.

Wish him grats and welcome and all that fuzzy jazz.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
you know, that hippy crap.

anyways lol I just noticed there is 63 attachments in this thread xD

We really need a board.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Rawr o yea.

Heck I have thousands of them saved.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
shouldn't be much longer till we find out if we're official or not
give it bout maybe 2-4 more days i think
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
Hi Clan ! Nice to be in! Hope for interessting trainings and awsome win on fight with other clans.

I think the most knows me as the owner of soulonīs itemland... In Youshop i fight more vs Pikarus then the game :P

And iam a sambo only Player... Dont have fun with lucker or remembered opener games... So there is only one real fight and thats sambo! :P

If there is someone who want textures i create free for clan members... Take a look at my set to see if you like my stile...

Last edited by soulon; Feb 8, 2009 at 05:34 PM.