Solo top malph is too stronk
Pick ignite and flash
I use 0/21/9 masteries, getting mana regen in utility. Be sure to get the CDR in the defense tree.
21/0/9 would work fine if you like the extra damage probably, but the I like the tankiness
use him as a counter pick to any champ who has autoattacks is their primary source of damage (wu, trynd, gp, etc). The more AA dependant champs they have on their team the better. One time I went against a team that had vayne bot, trynd top, and wu in the jungle, and I shut them all down in teamfights. It got to the point where I was able to 2v1 trynd and wu late game.
Run Mana regen/lvl blues, Armor yellows, choice red and quints (I prefer mpen reds and hp quints)
Start with regrowth pendant and Q
Last hit/farm (DO NOT USE YOUR ABILITIES TO LAST HIT/FARM!) until level 3 going, skill order QEQW, then prioritizing R > Q > E > W if you want to long range harass, R > E > Q > W if they get in close range. Once you're level 3, start to harass a little with Q. Not everytime it's off CD, or else you'll go OOM quickly.
First trip back I generally dont have much gold, I grab philo stone and a ward and as many pots as I can. Ill grab philo stone and boots if I can afford it.
By this point you're level 4/5, and you have philo stone and boots. Farm until you're level 5. Once you're level 5, use your Q on your lane opponent everytime they get near, and run up to them and E them if they're an AutoAttack heavy champ. Keep doing this while last hitting. If they're an ad caster like panth, just Q and run away, they can't catch up to you because they're slowed and you have a movespeed bonus
If you're doing good, you should be level 6, harassing with Q/E everytime you can, ignite should be up, and so should your ult. Harass until they have ~400 hp. When they get to 400 hp, hit W for the armor bonus, Q them one last time, then R right after you Q, E when they're knocked up, and finish them off with ignite. If you need to, Q them one last time. A full malph combo of WQREignite does about ~400 damage at level 6, about ~450 at level 7.
Keep doing this.
My general build goes something like this if I'm doing fine
regrowth pendant + hp pot
Philo stone + boots + pots/wards
Philo stone + boots + Heart of Gold + pots/wards
Philo stone + boots + HoG + Frozen heart parts (I get the glacial shield asap)
Philo stone + boots + HoG + Frozen Heart + Randuins parts
Philo stone + boots + Frozen Heart + Randuins + Force of Nature parts
once you finish your randuins, be sure to have a blue elixir on for fights so you have 40% CDR
My core for malph is FH, Randuins, and FoN. From there it's all how you want to play. I personally prefer going tanky AP malph, which means my build is something like
Frozen Heart
Force of Nature
Abyssal Scepter
Void Staff
late game I have 200+ AP with elixirs, 40% CDR, 3k+ hp and 220 of each resist
In team fights your role is ult as many as possible.
If you can only ult a few people, ult their AD carry, or other autoattack heavy champs. Such as trynd, vayne, sivir, etc. Once you've ulted, hit your E and randuins automatically. This causes those autotattack heavy champs to lose A LOT of their attack speed, with your randuins, E, and frozen heart. Dont forget to use your W before you E for the extra damage. From there just spam Q and E on their squishies.
Since im too lazy to upload pictures
My ranked stats with malph (im 1800) are 6.7/4.3/11.7, I dont have many games played as him in ranked but they're all wins.
I also just finished a game where I went 11/7/23 as him, basically carried hardcore.
Last edited by 2worlds; Jan 22, 2012 at 04:54 AM.