Secret Santa 2024
I'm truly sorry if I'm inactive. You see, I'm preparing for college and I'm moving out of the house. That means goodbye high-speed internet, mother's delicious meals and my ever loving room.

Thought I'd let you guys know.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Too bad then, things got intervened with personal and real life things and problems. Well can't blame it for the inactivity, it's a normal thing. :/
Hey Guys! I haven't posted here before :> How are things going?

Oh yeah, Remember me Eason? ad3556 :> I used to vs you in Aikido a lot.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
sup torigash, long time no see.
nice to see an old face again ;)

Correction *Oldest face I was around here before ARMIN0
Loyal And Proud Member Of Guardians
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Hey Guys! I haven't posted here before :> How are things going?

Oh yeah, Remember me Eason? ad3556 :> I used to vs you in Aikido a lot.

you AD wow i just now it today
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
I was the third in the clan that really was interested in remaining in it.Crux was interested in remaining in the clan too but he left.