RayWill135: Think Outside The Box is cool, although the opener was a bit boring imo, i like spins but these were not particularly impressive or nice looking (except the one at 800, that one was slightly cooler). the hits don't do much for me except for the double knee, after closing toribash i didn't really remember what they looked like at all.
the part with the 3 skeets was pretty impressive, it's cool to see people trying to do impressive stuff instead of doing it when they have a good opportunity to do it. it's clear that you were trying to do this the whole time, especially since you picked the mod for it i guess.
i really like Better By The Second except for the anti pose, i think i would have preferred a quick pose since anti posing so close to uke gives the impression that it was just laziness
Gram Be Damned is pretty stylish but again the antipose bothers me, i dont see any particular reason for there not the be a pose.
despite the things i complained about your movement is enjoyable, your hits are good and you showed a replay that had a really nice idea that you executed well enough for me. i think i'll vote yes, although it's an extremely close yes if you ask me
i go for a no. the last time i saw your replays was a very long time ago so i can't tell how much youve improved, sorry about that
the last time i saw your replays was a very long time ago so i can't tell how much youve improved, sorry about that
I've actually chosen to upload *cough* bad *cough* or *cough* lazily finished replays *cough* because I didn't really know which of my replays are the good ones, so I chose those ones instead.
You can go to my thread tho, and check some of the things I did now and I did in the past, so that you might be able to tell.
Oh, and I can fix what you cite above, don't worry. I'm just really lazy to do so.
But this fucking hurts, man. The last time you actually saw my replay "Borderlands" was a year and a half ago.