View Poll Results: Should we add ranks to the user list?
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All you have to do is click on the head of the baddies and they will die. If you are bad at clicking you can buy a better gun and it deals more damage per click - AWP being the most overpowered because it will kill them if you even click on the body once! It's not a very complex game, but it's pretty fun.

Just play some casual games until you have rank 3 and can play comp, you will get the hang of it.
yeah, I've played it for a couple hours and its quite fun
whats a good secondary weapon?
and how can u duck?
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the default duck key is CTRL
sidearms depend on your preference but i like accurate ones such as the usp-s since it is fairly easy to get headshots with it

i recommend always aiming for the head (and always having the crosshair at head height) even if you feel uncomfortable with it, eventually it will get you kills way faster

also i recommend watching some youtube videos, adren has a nice one on crosshair placement for example:
oh yeah
Originally Posted by polosee View Post
some one make -16 with bizon and -6 throw smoke?

What you even asking? You want a bind so if you press -16 it buys a bizon and if you press -6 it throws a smoke?

unbind 1
unbind 6
bind "-" "bind 1 derp; bind 6 +herp"
alias "derp" "unbind 1; bind 6 herpaderp"
alias "+herp" "use weapon_smokegrenade; unbind 1; unbind 6"
alias "-herp" "+attack; -attack"
alias "herpaderp" "buy ¿¿-19 ±Ø×ÞÝ; unbind 1; unbind 6"

I like the P2000 for no reason. Idek if its good but I like it.

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10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

Who wanna have some fun and play on Silver ranks?
I need boost.
My rank was MG2 but now it dropped to Silver 4 lol (Haven't played since ranks update)
PM me if you can boost my account and have some fun playing with bots.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!