Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Diman1995 member or not?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

how about a crimson set?i'll sell it to ya for 50k.[Since the force itself costs 50k]
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
Tehe, this looks cool. :D

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Have you ever been pinned down to the ground and punched in the balls so many times you puked then passed out?
Would you rather...
Looks like Hybrid needs a game where shit can get even more disgusting, so here you have it. I'd like to say anything goes, but follow forum rules and so on like you would anywhere else. This thread will be fun. :P


Person 1: Would you rather shit a bowling ball or piss out a marble?

Person 2: Piss out a marble.

Would you rather, as a diabetic, eat a sugar sandwich that would kill you, or eat a shit sandwich which wouldn't.

And so on.

You don't necessarily have to be disgusting, but I'd like it if you had to spend some time thinking about what you'd rather do.

So, to begin - Would you rather fuck a bad pussy on a not bad looking chick, or a tight pussy on an ugly chick?