Secret Santa 2024
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We don't celebrate Halloween. But last year, we decided to have a little fun. I went to my relatives' houses and started trick or treating. They gave me cakes instead of candies.

I was wearing a skeleton hoodie by the way.
Name: (Do YOU know who you are?): my name is hotseatbot... my parents hated me...
Belt: (Black belt preferred, not required): who needs a good belt... I mean I'm a "custom" belt
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (So we know who we are dealing with): as said by viper tech "Hotseatbot shall run" and as said by fish "Hotseatbot shall be in a clan"
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are): [eVo] ([Ascend] for 10 minutes...)
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you): I know dyrisk... and templer...
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal): guess away! go go go
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you): why not... I am really good at talking...
Best and Worst mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help you with): well... I actually can't play... so all of them suck for me...
One or two paragraphs about yourself: (I won’t tell you why you need this)
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
Your usercard: (If you don’t know what this is, just ask)

3 replays: nah... I'm good... as i said... i can't play
Originally Posted by HotSeatBot View Post
Name: (Do YOU know who you are?): my name is hotseatbot... my parents hated me...
Belt: (Black belt preferred, not required): who needs a good belt... I mean I'm a "custom" belt
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (So we know who we are dealing with): as said by viper tech "Hotseatbot shall run" and as said by fish "Hotseatbot shall be in a clan"
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are): [eVo] ([Ascend] for 10 minutes...)
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you): I know dyrisk... and templer...
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal): guess away! go go go
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you): why not... I am really good at talking...
Best and Worst mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help you with): well... I actually can't play... so all of them suck for me...
One or two paragraphs about yourself: (I won’t tell you why you need this)
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
Your usercard: (If you don’t know what this is, just ask)

3 replays: nah... I'm good... as i said... i can't play


Originally Posted by HotSeatBot View Post
Name: (Do YOU know who you are?): my name is hotseatbot... my parents hated me...
Belt: (Black belt preferred, not required): who needs a good belt... I mean I'm a "custom" belt
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (So we know who we are dealing with): as said by viper tech "Hotseatbot shall run" and as said by fish "Hotseatbot shall be in a clan"
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are): [eVo] ([Ascend] for 10 minutes...)
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you): I know dyrisk... and templer...
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal): guess away! go go go
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you): why not... I am really good at talking...
Best and Worst mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help you with): well... I actually can't play... so all of them suck for me...
One or two paragraphs about yourself: (I won’t tell you why you need this)
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
Your usercard: (If you don’t know what this is, just ask)

3 replays: nah... I'm good... as i said... i can't play


Question 15 answer: A sucker with an insect inside. I don't remember much, it was a long time ago, but there were these suckers they were selling at this place me and my siblings went, so we each bought one, and they had insects inside. They dared me to eat it, so I did, but believe me I didn't touch that thing in the middle!

Question 16: What do you consider the perfect human to be? Do you consider it possible for there to be a perfect human? Why or why not?
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Originally Posted by IceWariorZ View Post
Its here, it does sound cool. I might try to get a good replay :P

Yours was pretty good. It was a bit twitchy, but still a lot of good flips and what not.

I worked on a little Halloween party last night. I made like 50 bucks, plus a bucket of candy. Now I cant stop eating candy.
Last edited by Toolfree; Oct 27, 2013 at 05:59 PM.
my clan was deleted
A16: There is no perfect human, nor will there ever be. There can be a general consensus that a certain person is as close to perfect as one can get, but there will always be naysayers. The reasons for this are simple. Humans are human. Their very being makes them imperfect. They are arrogant, self centered pricks, and I don't believe that will ever change.

Q17: If the unthinkable happened and some sort of apocalypse happened, be it nuclear, undead, or killer clownfish, what would you choose as your weapon for defense? One stipulation: guns/projectile weapons and the knowledge to create them are gone.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
You say babes as if there are more than one.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I've never played any of the COD or Black Ops or any of those games so I have absolutely no idea what you all have been talking about for the last few days. Always wondered about people who play FPSs on consoles though. Really, aiming with a little joystick thing like that? That sounds infuriating.