View Poll Results: Diman1995 member or not?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

I find this will be too revealing for some, but not everyone has to do it.

Real name: Garry Peace
Age: 16
Birthday: 24/12/1992
Gender: Male
Where do you live: Scotland, UK.
How tall are you: 6ft.
What shoe size are you: 11 UK size.
How much do you weigh: 160lbs.
What you like to do besides TB: Watch films all day. lol. Lately, I've been very lazy.
Do you have a GF: Yes (she's on holiday - reason for laziness.)
Do you have a life: Yeah.
Are you happy or sad: At the moment? A bit of both.
What are your hobbys: I actually have none now. I used to do alot of sports though.
What is your favorite food: Spag bog
Do you like sports (If yes, what ones): Yes, just about anything except from rugby and cricket.
Whats your favorite animal: Cat?
What type of music are you in to: Anything. Mostly metal.
Do you have a job: Nope.
This is clearly art you assface.
Last edited by crux; Jul 18, 2009 at 02:34 PM.
i choose to cut my balls off.

would you rather watch grass grow or watch me strip.[very disturbing]
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
Watch grass grow.

Would you rather have sex with Lady GaGa or a crippled chick? I'm watching Lady GaGa's music video for Paparazi, thats how I got the idea.
of course i choose to have sex with lady gaga |:

do u like VL or Viris_Laborer
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
Ok this might be a while back, but I don't check your forum's much but anyway, I think that you should just fight and stop this before it becomes a full war with all there allies and all of us, then that would just create chaos so stop it before it goes to far.

Can I use your front thing for ours? I'm a bit to lazy to do it myself.

Thanks =D

Also I love your clan, very organised and what not, I MIGHT think about joining if that's alright?
