Name: (Do YOU know who you are?): my name is hotseatbot... my parents hated me...
Belt: (Black belt preferred, not required): who needs a good belt... I mean I'm a "custom" belt
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (So we know who we are dealing with): as said by viper tech "Hotseatbot shall run" and as said by fish "Hotseatbot shall be in a clan"
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are): [eVo] ([Ascend] for 10 minutes...)
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you): I know dyrisk... and templer...
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal): guess away! go go go
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you): why not... I am really good at talking...
Best and Worst mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help you with): well... I actually can't play... so all of them suck for me...
One or two paragraphs about yourself: (I won’t tell you why you need this)
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
Your usercard: (If you don’t know what this is, just ask)
3 replays: nah... I'm good... as i said... i can't play
I'm big on Halo, ARMA, LOL, and Battlefield. Used to like CoD but it stagnated really bad after the first modern warfare. Tbh, I liked WaW alot too, but nobody else did. I bet I can answer any Halo lore question accurately, as I spent ages combing through the halo wiki.
That's strange... Were you entered into the lobby, or in spectators?
Also, I just got my new computer and hooked it up. I made an unboxing, but I'm not going to upload it to Youtube because it got cut off at the end due to my phone not having enough space.