Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post
I'm unimportant. all is good though.

Also, yes to misty. if we're still posting our votes here

Lies. I figured you wouldn't care if you had them or not.
Aka jusmi.
Also, this is to everyone.
Some of you know, some of you don't but i used to have a lot of good ideas for my clans.
I don't want to seem like a egomaniac but most of my past clans helped grow some of the communities better members. Usually cause they were either destined to be a great member or i taught them a few things about how to go further within this community.

With this clan, i already have great members who are doing well for themselves in the community. So my hope is when we become official, i will share my plan that hopefully will weed out the members who want to improve on their existing skills, or who want to laze around (looks at echo)

This will probably be a major thing, but it will be fair of course.
Just letting you guys know that :v
Aka jusmi.
Doxxy, pretty fair I'd say, but I just think you shouldnt pick those who are REALLY REALLY noob and annoying, you know, I also believe you'll do it fine.

xTheMistx, yes you do, but chill a bit, hang on our irc more. It takes time usually.

Also, good morning guys.
nm, playing wow a bit, have to sit there and wait for a titanium node to respawn every 5 minutes, so I can pick it.

and you..?