Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by TheDog96 View Post
@XPAD: I can't say Best Riven EU, come on. More like AboveAverage Riven EU haha. Anyways I love Riven and her mechanics.
About winning ranked games, it's all about having the right mindset. Getting mad will make you commit more mistakes and eventually lose games. Usually I play 1-2 ranked games / day so I won't get mad. Slowly but stready ...
@Perica: I HOPE IT WON'T GET CANCELED. It is supposed to be this Friday ( in 6 days) and we're up 40 guys (that's 8 teams). Prize is RP. I think 975.

I actually disagree about not getting mad. By just having individual skill and knowing when you can 1 vs 1 your opponent and get him low enough to force him out is the key to early game. If there is jungle pressure you have to predict what he will do. Pretty much you can blame everyone else for feeding in early game. That's why I get mad but it doesn't affect my performance. You can't blame yourself and analyze what you did wrong when bot lane goes 0/5/0 in early game. Of course I will get mad for not playing carefully and tell them to lane swap or just cs somewhere safe without dying. Reason of making mistakes in not focusing on the game. Some times I just focus on one thing only and I miss cs, or miss free damage on my enemy, or get harassed or not pay attention on ss and minimap. I mean if you get mad with like shaky hands and you just loose your focus you will do bad. If you are like that then just rage while you go to your lane if it makes you feel a bit better. Otherwise you should always be focused on your individual play and enemy mindset. It works for me.
Originally Posted by perica View Post
Daaaamn ubi, that's a whole guide

Also, played Darius today for the first time.... Had 12/4 and 5k hp. SHITS BROKEN!

It wasn't that long. There is a lot of things to know to be good with a certain champ. I'm only good with few certain champions. My champion pool is small and playing melee champions is hard for me. There are still some tips that I didn't write.

Also Jayce counters Darius. And other ranged champs do too. I found a way how to dominate him. If you run in 1 vs 1 against him you'll always loose most likely even when fed. But by not getting hooked you can do shit loads of free auto attacks. Just go for an auto attack and when he turns around run back. He'll probably try to hook. Just by forcing out hooks of him you will most likely come on top of him. He falls off late game too. If you manage to dominate him in early game and mid game, game is over for him.People don't know about these things and they get stomped by Darius. He doesn't require a lot of skill and has only one combo so people are scared of him. They choose not to cs or go all in which results in a lost lane.
Last edited by Uberis; May 12, 2013 at 10:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Uberis getting kind of hot here. Taking explanations to a whole new level. Well of course everything you said is true and right but I considered that XPaD already knows all that. Seeing that he is kind of angry about not getting through silver rating made me give him a quick tip about not getting mad.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Also Jayce counters Darius. And other ranged champs do too. I found a way how to dominate him. If you run in 1 vs 1 against him you'll always loose most likely even when fed. But by not getting hooked you can do shit loads of free auto attacks. Just go for an auto attack and when he turns around run back. He'll probably try to hook. Just by forcing out hooks of him you will most likely come on top of him. He falls off late game too. If you manage to dominate him in early game and mid game, game is over for him.People don't know about these things and they get stomped by Darius. He doesn't require a lot of skill and has only one combo so people are scared of him. They choose not to cs or go all in which results in a lost lane.

In my opinion knowing when to engage on Darius is key.
I play Riven a lot and for example I go in for harras whenever he uses his q to farm minions. After I know he has that on cd i dash in -> do damage -> dash out. Learning your enemy's champion wins your lane, lads!
> Piratez
Wow Dog is really close to Diamond. Congratulations. Don't you want to move to West anytime soon? I'm currently leveling up my account in there.

Also I'm in promotion series. Moving to Silver 2. I dodged queue and I had an auto loss. Won a game today. There is going to be some pressure for the last game. I could probably get to Platinum if I played ranked more often. I'm 13:4 with Jayce so far. I'm so disappointed that I started ranked when I couldn't farm properly. Got 2 losses and 2 wins. Then I improved and won like 11 games with 2 losses. I probably could prevent future losses and go on a massive winning streak, but there will always be trolls who will prevent victories.

I've been getting bad opponents and games are rather easy. Carrying your team is hard but dominating lane is simple. As I know that Dog plays top lane too, we could go 1 vs , if you don't mind. I want to improve.
The nice thing about dota.
You have leavers, you have bad players, you have assholes, you have mismatched games, but you do not have trolls.
Trolls are everywhere. Maybe not as much as in LoL but there still are.

I probably should try out Dota. I have it on Steam but I'm lazy to learn the game as I get attached to games too fast. Games are pretty long and sometimes my family asks me to do something. I haven't been spending much time for LoL too.

Anyhow anyone excited for Elder Scrolls Online?
Dota matches can be really fast if your opponents are dumb noobs or very, very long if they are a seasoned veteran.

I really want to play TES online, but my PC would explode.
I've got a new game for ps3. Anyone plays or like, Grand turismo 5?
It's another amazing racing game, i recommend you all to buy it, it also can run in PC. Yeah. Cya.