Ishi starts with i. I = Iguana. An Iguana has 2 eyes. 2? 2 rackets. Tennis. GeT_RiGHT Likes Tennis. GeT_RiGHT was responsible for the football war of 1969. 1969, 69 = Slycooper's Edits. Slycooper = Trap L0rd. Trap L0rd rules over Trap Kindgom. Trap Kindom was invaded by ORMO. ORMO is freinds with OSHI. OSHI, Backwards is ISHO. ISHO sounds like ISHI
ISHI sounds like Fishy. Fish. Nabi. Nabi, Gman80. Gman80 was Hampa's Brother. Hampa sent FaZe Clan to Assasinate Gman80, so that he could be the king of TB. FaZe. Rain. Rain. Weather. Tornado. Sharknado. Shark's have Teeth. hxcbbqimo also has teeth. hxcbbqimo is the ruler of sweg. sweg? kk. kk = DeakManic. DeakManic = Banned. Banned = 2WC. 2WC has WC in his name. WC? Wourld Cup Final. 1-0. 1 = I. I is the first letter of ISHI. Illuminate also starts with I.