Secret Santa 2024
Thanks Sub, Gas, Yusei, and Jen. Means a bunch to me. Also, Zombie259, and I are hosting a bet server atm if you want to join /jo LNBets.

Edit: Thanks Dew.
Last edited by BuZe; May 31, 2014 at 06:39 AM.
Yeah! welcome to the clan BuZe im so glad to have you, guys the server they opened is really successful, and sub i might need training in Rkmma if you have time to pl0x ive been training in comebacks but im still not quite there yet and frankly you've trained with Noel means you got some skillz
Thanks for the welcome to the family. Since I haven't fill out anything to introduce myself, this would be a good time.
My name is Noah, I am 12, turning 13 in a few short months. I live in north Florida and spend my time playing toribash, and hanging out with friends and family. I always love learning new things and enjoy playing the guitar. I don't sing because I suck at it, so please if I am in a Skype call with one of you, don't ask me to sing, your ears will be raped D:. My Skype is buze2k14 and my steam is BuZeTB. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me. Sub, I am a aikido tutor, so maybe we could all meet up in a server and train and practice, maybe give each other tips and tricks so we could all get better. Thank all of you for welcoming me into your family.

Also: For Zambie259
Pure luck. Gg Nerfpls
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Last edited by BuZe; May 31, 2014 at 07:14 AM.
Buze i need to training ;c . Welcome to the clan though! Were all glad to have you here. The server me you and zombie put up last night went amazing! And the skype call with all those people kinda gave me a headache but it was cool. Usually I'm pretty good in both rk-mama and taekkyon. I'm pretty good at comebacks too. So dont worry about me failing you guys in the 100 year war.

Also guys, me, Buze, zombie, and cwood have skype calls every once in awhile. And I think it would be cool if more people could join them. Like with the bet server, we had like 7 people in the call and the server went great.
We can meet up anytime, I can train you right now, I am in Au <-- Click that if you have steam. Thanks gas, I am glad to be here. That server was a m a z i n g! There were very high bets, and I think Zombie259 got his tc back! Also, the Skype call was kinda annoying (Not you or Zombie). But, overall it was a good time, we should host a AuBets when possible and get tc for the bank.
Last edited by BuZe; May 31, 2014 at 05:54 PM.
Hmmm take care of Buze or I'll cry, if you don't like this post just delete or report me I don't know if you allow randomers to post..
Belive it or not I used to go ingame once.
I am sure they will. Also, I donated 13k to the bank for globals and such when we host bet servers and tourneys. Only 27k from having 50k, then after we reach our 3 month activity and 1k posts we can apply. I will donate more when I get more tc.
Don't worry Lewis we love BuZe he won your hearts , gas pl0x teach me rk-mma i really am bad at it but im getting much better at aikido im 1k rank at it haha that may not be special for you but it is for me cuz i usually have poo poo rank