Thanks for the welcome to the family. Since I haven't fill out anything to introduce myself, this would be a good time.
My name is Noah, I am 12, turning 13 in a few short months. I live in north Florida and spend my time playing toribash, and hanging out with friends and family. I always love learning new things and enjoy playing the guitar. I don't sing because I suck at it, so please if I am in a Skype call with one of you, don't ask me to sing, your ears will be raped D:. My Skype is buze2k14 and my steam is BuZeTB. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me. Sub, I am a aikido tutor, so maybe we could all meet up in a server and train and practice, maybe give each other tips and tricks so we could all get better. Thank all of you for welcoming me into your family.
Also: For Zambie259
Pure luck. Gg Nerfpls
Last edited by BuZe; May 31, 2014 at 07:14 AM.