Fox's Application
Hmm... where to start? I guess I'll write a Toribash biography or something since I'm a "good writer" according to school.
(This part is very unimportant but you can read it for entertainment)
Let's see... I started off as a white belt like any other, and quickly progressed through Toribash, both socially and skill-wise. I made freinds and a couple of enemies. I played through a bunch of game types and such. Later on, I found my computer broken and in need of formatting. Needless to say, I lost Toribash. And then forgot to re-install it. I come back a few years later to find my Tori skills lacking greatly. I have been working hard to regain my skills as a fighter recently, and have found an interest in starting or joining a clan.
(Now you can read, this is important)
I found this clan via Judo Tourney, however corny it sounds. I would like to join, as I cannot afford a clan with my unrefined Tori skills. I am still in the earlier stages of Toribash, as I am still a brown belt, however, I am getting better and open to tips.
My timezone is (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). I'm available to play any time after school (4 pm to 9 pm, and sometimes later,) although I will typically have homework, so the best time to play would be at about 7pm.
I hope that I can gain more friends and allies through joining a clan, as well as have a better Toribash experience. I've never been in a clan before so I'm not entirely sure how this works, nor have I posted much so please bear with me. I do, however, look forward to being in a clan, however tasking it may be.
I hope you accept me and come to like me at some point in me being here!
Give Cozzy0 some credit for reccomendin' me and catching a spelling error! xD