pass 500 frames contest:
Baku - 5 passes - winner
Fezh - 2 passes
Playaj - 1 pass [then you hited the floor]
pass 1000 frames contest
Baku - 12 passes - winner [world record]
Playaj - 6 passes
Kordiss - 6 passes
You own me so far:
Fezh - 1k
Kordiss - 1k
Playaj - 2k
Metroman you have nothing to do? so maby another contest?
Most points, only decap flawless kick
Mod - classic [normal disambrement also]
Distance - 100 and over
Frames - whatever
Every contestant is
obligated to give 500tc to the winner.
Flawless - uke have 0 points
Head is only thing that uke can loose
Kick can be done by: thigh, knee, leg, ankle, foot.
One week after the best replay is posted the contest ends.
P.S our little logo to textures is needed - if no one of us make it we will have to do a request for it.
P.P.S my winning replays for passes contest.