Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I call people retards all the time

dafuq? anyways, your cool bro.
Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back.”
Call some1 a retard your no better than a retard
Cuz only a retard will call another person a retard
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Damn link, you shut my thread...
[21:18] (Moltov) Fantastic Mr. Fox
[21:18] (avwave) i thought it was a movie for furries
Cuz there is already an art thread stickied up there
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

But you see, this is like a clan shop... :3

[21:18] (Moltov) Fantastic Mr. Fox
[21:18] (avwave) i thought it was a movie for furries
My point being calling a clan member a retard for telling him to post in the clan thread more often is basicly like saying Kick me out because ima give ur clan a bad rep. Now correct me if I am wrong link but Is there not a rule for respect your clan mates?


Please stop fighting.
[21:18] (Moltov) Fantastic Mr. Fox
[21:18] (avwave) i thought it was a movie for furries