first game its all going nice and im 4 0 and my shaco is with over 10 kills.
suddently ap carry support and ad carry start suiciding.... lost game
second game i go jungle and i pwn the enemy skarner and my oriana on mid is good.
Mordekaiser on top feeds like hell and my bot lane gets lost... lost game
Third game starts with 2 kills, i then kill gp and it all scales to 8 1 on team scores.
My leona start blabing about not being able to play top ( since she is a leona ) because gp is too stronk althought gp was killed 2 times lol, my lux in mid starts pushing like hell and enemy cass just pwns her with xin zhao doing lane ganks and my bot lane tristana is never fighting in team fights, only appears when we are all dead and suicides.
Also game lost... CURSED WUKONGGGGGG
Althought i love his dmg as jungler.