Meh.. I'm really looking for a decent wallpaper... how about making one for me, Dirt? ;)

inb4ErthIAskedFirst. lol
Last edited by fcpavao; Jul 29, 2010 at 01:56 PM.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Tart's head

Credits to bend and his tut ;o


Edit II
Last edited by micho; Jul 31, 2010 at 03:57 PM.
Not bad man, I like the colours alot, but im not a huge fan of tribals so i can't give a great CnC. The whole set just seems a little rushed, The faces should be alot more defined and sharp and u really neeed to lose the drop shadoww. Other than that its not bad bro.
Bro I didn't drop shadow :v and normally my sets takes 30 minutes, this has taken me 2 hours and it's still a WIP :v
micho make me a set pliz :3
your older style (like TP's)
azurite and quicksilver
no head; 128x128

i'll give you full set of quicksilver trails
gogogogogogogogogogogog <3
Aperture Science Employee #92
I have more sets to do :/
Tart almost done
then greediness starts hnnnng

Last edited by micho; Jul 31, 2010 at 09:54 PM.