A while more and I'll have bought all 1350 champions, along with all the 450 ones. I just don't have the patience to save to 3150 or even 6300... I always end up getting curious about several heroes.
bro we had a hack play us before the guy could teleport anywhere across the map and make it so we cant target him only when he is attacking kinda gay but funny
bro we had a hack play us before the guy could teleport anywhere across the map and make it so we cant target him only when he is attacking kinda gay but funny
Pretty sure that's a known bug, I've seen it happen with Jax and it's insane. I don't think it's intentional hacking, just a client issue.
Kog'maw is interesting, he's a ranged hybrid carry. With madred's bloodrazor and his activated armor pen, he can take 10% of any hero's hp away per hit.