Belt: black (almost 2nd dan)
Mods: Judo Ninjutsu Wushu (average/ a little bit above average on other mods)
Who, from VorteX, invited you to post this application: A long Crab with shovel told me to post an app, but i was with another clan back then i left that clan because i never thought it had the potential to become official. so now i am hopefull i can become a part of vortec
Time Zone: my gmt is -6
Avg. time spent ingame/forums per day: 1-2hrs
Why do you wish to join: i think its a good clan and i like the members in the clan who i have met in-game
What might you contribute to VorteX: i am very active and i hold 4-6 lobbies a day, a 2 weeks ago for my old clan i heald 12 recruiting lobbies in 1 week along with 5 normal/fun lobbies, also i am a very good judo and ninjutsu player (and i bring deh funnies :P )
(and sorry about the low post count i only started using the forums about a month and a half ago but i post 1-2 times a day so that makes about 67 posts)
Last edited by Kowla; Jul 7, 2011 at 06:51 PM.