My application for [c]
Hello my name is Gaspard IRL and i am 12
I speak English
my skype name is:wolf.black645
My GMT is +0 im a brown belt [3rd dan on main wolfkidxD but was banned because i was dueling with my friend againt someone and we playd first to 3 for 15k my friend was gonna lose but reset the game and i specd him and said it was 1-0 but he muted me and said no 0-0 and i was playing and lost he said still 0-0 last time i won and he said 1-0 and that someone reported us both]
I want to join this clan because i like kinda inactive clans ingame so i felt the need to apply.
I was in the clan rekd but some one kicked every one from it
I was in the clan Frost but was very inactive ingame not just inactive very inactive
and i was im elite but got kicked for no random reason.
and here i was in fazed but fell into argue ments and left.
Im prety active on forums 3 posts a day i think and very active ingame.
Here is my player card:
Id: 3283776
Toricredits: 3211
Qi: 711
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also here are some replays:
Elite Warrior.rpl gg.rpl (77.1 KB)
headpunch3.rpl (19.2 KB)
One.rpl (107