Hello inq members,
I am Twelve year old Dylan,My toribash name is acjudoka.I am a 2nd dan black belt I like Aikido based mods include Aikido,Greykido.ABD.My second favorite mods are Mushu,Wushu,and erthTk.
About Me:
I live in Hilo Hawaii,I like to play football 'soccer' I'm a decent student in school,During the school season I try to get on Toribash anytime I get.I compete in National and International Judo tournaments.I enjoy swimming and outdoor activities.
My Toribash experience:
In November 2012 I was age Nine I was going through a rough time,My Grandpa was in the hospital My Mom and Dad were getting a divorce.So i got on my old laptop and searched for games to tune out the world I found Toribash I played for hours and hours.You are probably wondering Why am I still a 2nd dan I took a Two year break.
You guys are different from other clans because You guys look like you have more skill from what i have seen.The reason i would like to join is becasue i need a good clan with a lot of skill and that are active.
The people I know:
I seen Tuna we had a bad history but I said my apologies and all that great stuff. He is probably the main reason i want to join.I have met noel he seems very nice i have chatted with him but i dont think he remembers.
Thank you my GMT is -10 my replays aren't that great I have cleaned my folder.I hangout at the quick Aikido room. Sincerly,acjudoka P.S PM me if I did anything wrong my spelling isn't that great. Thank you byeeee
Last edited by Pill; Jul 22, 2015 at 12:39 AM.