Elettor 2 möglichkeiten:

1. Mikusan bewegt seinen arsch und fängt endlich mal an was mit mir zu machen.

2. Wir kaufen ein Banner mit Geld was wir nicht haben.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Jaa, aber bis dahin könntest du den Text fertig machen, da die andere sehen, daß wir nicht inaktiv sind. Oder?
Paint me like your french girls
My newest madman replay is done, it got 8 decaps and I got 201197 Points.
I made a new version with Another kick at the end that looks beast.
Attached Files
Last edited by Hypersaint; Jan 17, 2015 at 09:06 AM.
'Ello people of Asu.
First order of business. DISREGARD MY BELT!
thank you.
2nd. My Real belt rank is Custom. I cannot reveal the name, cause someone in the clan has a grudge against me and will do anything to stop me from getting into it with him here.
3rd. I mainly play single player since I was banned, my main account will be unbanned in March, (Reason: a bit of bad pranking)
4th. I occasionally play multiplayer and will usually play boxshu, TK, ErthTK, aikido, and ABD.

Thanks! Please vote correctly and do not hold grudges...
duckmech -3-
Attached Files
#Reg - complementory.rpl (96.5 KB, 6 views)
#Reg - Fight or Flight.rpl (113.3 KB, 5 views)
#Reg - unknown power.rpl (169.0 KB, 5 views)
#Reg - unrealism.rpl (143.7 KB, 5 views)
I have some questions Tetzel.

1. Do you want to enter Asu with that acc ? or with your primary ?

2. Who has a problem with you and why ? (you can answer in a pm)

You're very good as I can see and you could be a great addition to the clan, but I don't want any fights in it, so you should try to solve your problem with that clan member, tell us when that happens and you will have my yes
do not let him join what ever u do don't let this fagget ruin the clan hes really a 5th dan he bought 2 batches of qi
hes also banned for stealing textures ask scorpio. and it hasn't been resovled.
Last edited by duckmech; Jan 18, 2015 at 06:15 PM.
Originally Posted by Sukii View Post
The problem has been resolved.
The persons name is duckmech
It shows it underneath my bit of applicatory bitty stuff.

Dont come here.
"B U R A K K U W A I T O A A M A A"
- B l a c k | W h i t e | A r m o r -