Christmas Lottery
micho: yeah ofc, when I get better |:

Also played around with Photoshop CS4 a bit:

Tell me what ya think
Some of the splashes look kinda ugly (idk, like, out of place?), but rest is quite decent.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Wow very nice ezeth.
Wanna tell me where to get templates for skateboard desings? o.o

And yeah, that's the "Deathnote guy"
^ wow nice business there ezeth :3

thy: @post481: highlight the button and the text in the front and it will be perfect! looks pretty kewl

can anybody help me with this picture pls? it shall just get some simple editing, effects or something so that it looks kewl. maybe with a lil logo above the tori "Toribash Dance Club" :3 i just recreated the group due to inactiveness of the old leaders
Aikanaro: I could try if you want..

Also thanks Ezeth for posting the templates
Gonna try them out this evening :3