Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
theres Hierarchy mystery

I know. but I'm part of a team now. doesn't that give me the slightest bit of a differential?
Hey, Secret dudes. I'm Metriakon. Or in IRL, Kamil, you can call me whatever you want though. So pretty much yeah, I'm trying to join Secret, again at least, I always loved this
clan, Now I'm coming back to TB, and coming back to Secret.

I don't have any bad history, well, one infraction on some dsc, but that isn't a lot, and I
had it like, what? more than year ago? so no big deal bout' that.

My first clan was Kitteh, the leader wasn't a very nice person, the co-leader too, the clan
didn't have overall good rep either. It died after like two weeks after I joined. Then I
met some people from Ethereal, talked to them, played with them, It was all cool, tried
to join, accomplished my goal. Right now Ethereal's ain't in the shine no' mo'. If you catch
my drift.

So yeah, when I left it though, it was still a nice clan, but I left it because I wanted to join
Secret. From the moment I met teague when I was a Yellow belt, he sure did kick my ass,
but I asked him If I could join Secret, he said that I got the potential, and If I improve,
and stuff I'll join Secret sooner or later. After like 6 months of playing, training hard, I
finally reached the 2nd dan belt and applied for Secret, the process was long and I was re-
-ally nervous about me actually getting in, cause' this clan is pretty much one of those
'Wow, I wish I could get in there' clans.', So I joined Secret. It was all going well, until
I started losing a bit more in game, and more, and I totally lost skill and motivation
for the game, so I told you guys that I'll take a break or something. That mean't l had to
leave the clan. Now, I'm trying to rejoin.

I'm just an ordinary guy, nothing special about me. I'm nice to people, atleast trying to be,
try's to be funny, not always does so. There's nothing to describe bout' me. Nuff' said.

Now, skills. I'm doing art, I make textures now and then. I do it mostly for practice, if
I actually FINISH the texture, which hardly happens, I'm most likely to ask people what
they think about it.

But since then, I have improved on my art skills, in real life especially, my penis, just like
my 2B pencil is my best friend.

Replays - Ahh.. darn. Do I really have to post them? I don't have any, and I really bad at
making them. If It's absolutely essential, I will try to make a replay.

Secret found I sauce. Btw.
iemagazine Passes ingame

teague19 Moderated Message:
Last edited by teague19; Mar 28, 2013 at 08:53 PM.
Replay thread

Just made...

If I were to apply again, would a new app be preferred. Or the same since I can't really think of much else to add? And, wouldn't really want to clutter things up.