numbers neither did the enemy jungler gank their lane, a lane doesnt loose a tower in 2 vs 2 before 10 minuts, if a lane looses the tower in 2 vs 2 before the 15 minut mark ( which is a bit over dragon time ) its because they are bad, not because i didnt help. Jungler is there to help,
not to play for them since i cant help all 3 lanes at once.
Like i go top and top gets kill and starts pwning, i go mid and mid gets kill and starts pwning , i go bot but what i see is a blitz and vayne with no hp that instead of recalling they do a fail heal bait, blitz pulls the guy to the tower uses heal but still gives them a double kill. How am i supposed to help lanes that suicide? Bad people are just bad, the only fail there could be from my part is that i didnt told them to recall in time since when i watched their lane , i watched the stupid heal bait and it was too late.
Some times people are just terror. If some1 instalocks and fails that hard, nothing to be done. Why do i never loose a tower before 10~15 minuts? It isnt because of luck or magic and sure it is not because of the junglers, they are only there to put pressure on the enemy, not to play my lane.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Feb 3, 2012 at 01:45 AM.