What the fuck? Why? WHy can't you just make one in the art/textures board like everyone else? Why can't you just be normal, for once in your life?
I know, but the art/textures board is there for a reason. It's like having the Fr3styL board, and then posting clan stuff in fucking items! It's just fucking..Argh, i can't be bothered to go on.
Originally Posted by iamrubbish View Post
I know, but the art/textures board is there for a reason. It's like having the Fr3styL board, and then posting clan stuff in fucking items! It's just fucking..Argh, i can't be bothered to go on.

Sorry Rub, but Alpha approved of this.
I will discuss it with him when he comes down from the skyes..
Don't be a pen15 fais to smile.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"

Be nice, let her have her shop.

But smile, you wont get much attention here... It would be smart to make a shop in the art/textures board...
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.