I think the fact that American education doesn't teach a lot of geography about other countries in general has a lot to do with the size of America.

I mean, for example, I'm Dutch.
Our history and geography classes are for maybe 30% about our country, and the rest is about other countries. That has a lot to do with the fact that we're an incredibly small nation to usual standards.
We're eight times smaller than most US states, which sort of makes it impossible to spend huge amounts of time on topography, when there isn't all that much to know.
So the time we can't spend on learning stuff about our country, is filled in with stuff about neighbouring countries and the dominant countries in history, like Britain and France.

Same goes for History, Holland hasn't really ever had power until quite late in history, around the 17th century, when trade and colonisation was the way to go :v
This, again, means that most of our time is spent on learning things about bigger countries with more impact on the world's history, languages and other things that are generally not of huge importance, but just great to know.
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
No, they are required every year. Well, politics and geography are usually part of history classes. From my experience though, most people suck at geography. I once had to help a girl find Vietnam on a map of southeast Asia right after we did a whole chapter on the Vietnam war.

You probably have a harder time with americans wondering where Norway is because we never fought you. Most history classes teach four main sub-subjects: Wars that USA has been in, the last 400 years of Britain and France, ancient history (Rome, Egypt, China, etc), and the rise of protestantism. Teachers tend to leave out anything that doesn't have a major impact on USA.

Try having to help 3 people find europe on a globe. Plus, most other countries admire a person with a brain, america hates them, yet needs them. Norway is quite big btw. Also, most high schools have a goverment class here(which I got kicked out of for bashing the teacher for his "attempts to teach[Lie] to the class)

I have a hard time with americans, cause when they ask me where I'm from, I say albania, and they are like, so your from here, and im like

Rant warning:
No, you stupid #$%#, Albania is a country, Ever check a map? Their reply, usually being, but albany is here. Me saying ALBANIA YOU $!!$!@#
There's a fine line between bashing and carrying on a conversation, and you noweb, you are riding a unicycle straight down that line.
<Tapion> Salmon is nice fish
well, im American myself (South American to be presice) and most of that is totally true.

Cultural level in america is, and will never be as high as it is in the estern hemisphere. Also education is ot that good atall in most cases. Here in south America, in my country, primary school is mandatory, dough highscool is not.
Also consider that some countries are European dependences such as Denmark and Guayanas.

Well also about ignorance, its really true, most of americans are arrogants, and when don`t undersand somthing just go crazy and start insultin and/or cousing trouble everywhere they can and yeah, information here comes ages later and all messed up with oher events that happaned. Such as swine flue, that happened in north amierica, at the begining here in the south was ingored, now people are almost mad.

We, Americans always look for "shortcuts" everywhere, and thats not nice.

Anyways, we are not "bad" people, some lazy, kinda silly id say.

Well im an American myself, im not really proud about it but well, im not either sad. Also i don`t tend to do this sort of things (i don`t tolerate ignorance myself and i don`t really like to hang out with arrogant people, i try to be as humble as i can).

Well thats all,
Thanks for reding, and bye bye
Once all us Americans get cancer from eating crap food and die in droves, maybe people from more civilized countries can come and protect the last withered bits of natural resources we've left on this ravaged bit of earth. :3
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Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Once all us Americans get cancer from eating crap food and die in droves, maybe people from more civilized countries can come and protect the last withered bits of natural resources we've left on this ravaged bit of earth. :3

Thats saying we don't destroy all of the resources before we kill ourselves with our crap food. :P

This was brought up earlier, but if you don't have a car in America, then you will have a hard time finding or keeping a job unless you live in a big city. Most of America is urban areas, and the nearest jobs require a car to get to for the most part.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
I love America. I grew up in Jordan(Middle East) and then moved to the US(Ohio) when I was 14 and have lived here ever since. There's no other country in the world that accepts foreign people like America, ofc I get some racist remarks for being Arab ever since 9/11, but they're always friendly jokes, never anything negative and most people are respectful towards me. I dont know if it's different in other parts of the country but I think most people here are nice, ofc there are occasional a$$holes but its like that everywhere. I wouldn't say people here are any stupider(or fatter) than anywhere else. As for the arguement of needing a car to keep a job, unless u work in a convenience store/chain, Im sure its the same thing in most places and if u wanted to live by your work place, provided u dont work in a nuclear power plant or something, u could probably find a home near it.
That's just my opinion.
Originally Posted by Pimpslapd View Post
I love America. I grew up in Jordan(Middle East) and then moved to the US(Ohio) when I was 14 and have lived here ever since. There's no other country in the world that accepts foreign people like America, ofc I get some racist remarks for being Arab ever since 9/11, but they're always friendly jokes, never anything negative and most people are respectful towards me. I dont know if it's different in other parts of the country but I think most people here are nice, ofc there are occasional a$$holes but its like that everywhere. I wouldn't say people here are any stupider(or fatter) than anywhere else. As for the arguement of needing a car to keep a job, unless u work in a convenience store/chain, Im sure its the same thing in most places and if u wanted to live by your work place, provided u dont work in a nuclear power plant or something, u could probably find a home near it.
That's just my opinion.

You make a good point thar. It is easy for people who were born in America (like myself) to look past the good things about it and focus on the negative. It doesn't help that just about every other nation on the globe looks down on us as tyrants.

Its funny because everyone I talk to who moves here from another country loves it here. I work with an illegal immigrant who is more patriotic than any natural citizen I know. I think it is easier to appreciate the good things in that situation, and glance over the bad. But glancing over the bad for so long is what has given the US its bad standing.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by noweb View Post
Talking about American arrogance, how about the arrogance on display in this thread. Jesus.

Talking about ignoring the point just for the sake of negativity.

A non-controversial thread would be totally uninteresting and only the most bored users would be arsed to reply to it. The best way to create a good topic is to be atleast partially right while being slightly provocative. Only then can you spur a good debate.