Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
I used to eat out of boredom a lot, but I found eating healthy stuff like apples or grapes allows you to pass the time and stops me getting too fat

I actually really feel like some grapes right now.

I eat when i can. I loves fruit or veggies. Thought about becoming a vegetarian a few times, but i love some stuff too much to. Three meals a day, usually a snack when I get home. Usual stuffs. 30% fat <- lolz
Have A Nice Day/Night/Afternoon/Evening/etc.
Meh, I usually eat lunch and dinner, and the occasional night-time snack. I suppose it's out of boredom, when you're just blarghing around on your pc, eating something makes it more... interesting, or something. >_> If there's no snack, I don't snack - same with lunch/dinner. I eat fruit rarely, I just don't find it that compelling. I've also stopped wanting crisps, I usually go for peanuts and the like at the moment.

But yeah, I used to snack more a while ago. You just build up a habit and after a while, breaking it is hard.
Last edited by dalir; Sep 3, 2009 at 01:19 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
I don't eat much..
Just dinner and sometimes lunch, an occasional snack to add

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
I get stuff whenever I'm watching T.V. during commercials..
I don't know why.. but it just happens.
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
I actually really feel like some grapes right now.


FFFFFFFFFFFFFF i want some now too.

anyhoo, i eat ALOTS, but im not fat. im going through my growth squirt right now, so its gonna be hard to gain weight (which is good). once i get back into school, im probably gonna snack less because my time will be taken up getting learn'd.
I love you
I dislike fruit a lot. I was raised eating junk food.IM trying to get out of the habit now.

Just becaouse of going to school(gym mostly),I lost 7 pounds in about one day.

Im slightly overweight for being 11,about 135 pounds.
Originally Posted by CharredLightning View Post
I dislike fruit a lot. I was raised eating junk food.IM trying to get out of the habit now.

Just becaouse of going to school(gym mostly),I lost 7 pounds in about one day.

Im slightly overweight for being 11,about 135 pounds.

You weigh pretty much the same as me except I am 5 years older.

I think you should keep hitting that gym.
Fruit is actually quite nice.
Yeah.but whenever I attempt to eat food.I get so nervous I start luaghing and my head goes red.

Yeah,I think somehthings really wrong with me ever since I started eating unhealthy sister is 15 and I weigh more then her.Mostly her having a lot of somehting in her body.we eat the same thing,too.
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
I gather the reason why you're unhealthy is because of all the smoking.

Which reminds me of my breakfast which usually consists of a coffee and a cigarette or two.
Pretty much the healthiest brekky going around.

if it is true, then it is very bad for your health