The lamest clan names I could come up with.
I added the stories for the heck of it, and wrote them in a style that would deem the clan lame; meaning the mispelled words, lack of grammer, numbers for letters, stories that make no sense, stories appearing they were written by an 8 year old, and the stories being to short....... is all intent.
Better then Spiderman Superman and the Hulk Combined
Story: lol spiderman superman and the hulk showwed up and attacked us , and we beat them cuz we own more then them!!1
Yu-gi-oh masters
Story: In the ancient times people battled each othaer with aweaseome kick-@ss moensters. We are al that is left 4 the wourld to look 2 now. We... r.... YUGIOH!
Naruto owns you
Story: A long time ago ninjas battled each other for land and territory. But Naruto is the best and he like owned them all.
Master Chief's Squad
Story: [Insert story copied out of the Halo game manual here]
Story: [Insert incredibly long winded story about an epic fight against Cloud with Sephiroth claiming victory]
Chuck Norris
Story: Chuck Norris needs no story. Stories need Chuck Norris.
Is the goal to simply make a lame clan name or...
give a clan name you actually think is cool and you pick the lamest out of those?
Last edited by lancer_c; Aug 10, 2007 at 11:40 PM.