[Piratez] Clan Bank
The Piratez Loot!
All Donations of both Items and TC will be recorded here. If anyone Donates something to the clan Bank which is "PiratezChest" Then please post in this thread.
Chris20236 = 50,000TC
SpaceLlama = 41,000 TC
UricHunt2 = 26,560 TC
Xtreme = 1,000 TC
PokaDot = 16,990 TC
ToriDeath = 2,500 TC
Phenoma = 2,000 TC
GrayveXP = 8,000 TC
ydnarano67 = 5,000 TC
Nevets96 = 1,000 TC
kngsparten = 2,000 TC
VIT0R = 11,000 TC
Squirre1 = 2,000 TC
KingThomas = 1,000 TC
52x32x52x1 = 11,000 TC
nnaass = 1,000 TC
Marked1 = 1,000 TC
80J4N =25,254 TC
Abel = 37,099 TC
Kryo = 1,000 TC
Praeater = 1,000 TC
Baytch = 800 TC
lsl3012 = 500 TC
Locker460 = 100TC
Joaopc = 1,000TC
tarektarek = 20,000TC
TC Spent:
50,000 TC - paid to Delaid for Officializationing.
21,000 TC paid to Luke for Clan Banners.
This list shows all of the PiratezChest loans. Loans must be repaid along with 10% interest i.e. 1000tc loan needs to be paid back with 1100tc.
Debtor || Loan || Amount Owed || Payed
Marked1 || 2,200tc || 2,420tc || 1,600tc
jezisek1 || 28,000tc || 30,800tc || 6,350tc
mksaxena || 36,000tc || 39,600tc || 0tc
Current Clan Balance:
146,889 TC
If you have a problem with any spending of the TC's please comment.
Useless posts will not be tolerated!
If anyone posts a comment that is not at all related to the subject of this thread then it will be deleted!!!
Last edited by GrayveXP; Apr 18, 2010 at 09:18 PM.