Original Post
[Parrot] clan picture competition - 350k+ In prizes

Time for a new clan picture, and rather than making one ourselves we decided to make a competition of it.


You must include every member.
The textures & items for everyone must be correct - entries with the wrong textures will not be accepted.
Image must be 1024x768 pixels or higher.
Members of [Parrot] may not enter.


All decent (in our eyes) entries will be given a 5k complimentary prize.


1st place - 200k

2nd place - 100k

3rd place - 50k


Alphabetical list of the people that must be in the image.

Avatars10 Bilza Bust3r CiaoTime ColonelKumquat
DeeJayy741 Donseluke Esakki Head1 Juhizz
Liaxo Moop Mrama OdinFIN Orangesoda
Poopy12 PuffDrako Salukki Sprooj Skulfuk

Closing date for entry

1st December 2009


All judging will be performed by the clan.
It will begin once entry for the competition is closed.

Prize fund increased
Last edited by SkulFuk; Nov 6, 2009 at 11:22 PM.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by wiirus View Post
Just asking,will there be changes of the member list during this comp?

EDIT: "The textures & items for everyone must be correct - entries with the wrong textures will not be accepted."

I'm using stupinators Tori-rig, so torso textures don't work. That means I am out. Or would it be ok, tho?

terribly sorry about that.

but if you're serious about doing 3d stuff, it's not exactly hard to UV map. I'm just lazy, and don't have C4D atm

anyways, good luck on finding a great artist parrot :>
Former Item Forger
Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Skul, does it have to be a 3D Render or I can make a cartoony vector?

tbh I dont see the point of vectoring it on either side here, it will take you waay longer to vector everyone in the clan but if you feel like doing that who am I to stop you?
Last edited by Sachi; Nov 13, 2009 at 01:36 AM.
Hi it's Praeter
Originally Posted by Miska View Post
ALSO i saw in Skulfuk's post nothing about that should be word "parrot" in there, but I put it in the first image.
Also both of pics are final products, just two version of it everyone like something else.
anyway i hope you enjoyed.

Where does he say that?
Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Skul, does it have to be a 3D Render or I can make a cartoony vector?

So long as it's within the rules anything goes.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
terribly sorry about that.

but if you're serious about doing 3d stuff, it's not exactly hard to UV map. I'm just lazy, and don't have C4D atm

anyways, good luck on finding a great artist parrot :>

K, any irony? I mean, you did a great job, I don't have the right to complain.

I'm trying to figure it out how exactly map it correctly, but I'm not sure...

I guess I'm out then.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
Vectoring everyone would take ages and I think would not look as good as regular picture.

Hmm, I guess I finished Clan Picture for Parrot. Cropping was kinda annoying and my tablet freaking out while cropping one tori so I had some trouble.

Here is what I managed to do [BIG PICS]:

I hope you like it,