Secret Santa 2024
Carloz - 50k for em all
Missuse - i will think okay?
Alphonse - i will accept items, name em'
Reanimator - i liek demo to much
hey do you want to sell me:
right bicep
right foot
right hand
right thigh
right tricep
left foot
left thigh
left tricep
left bicep
left hand

for 87K ?
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
why u say u'll think, yesterday u said it's cewl for the texts! Is it? Do I send monk and gold?
Pure force is another matter. 10k or name u're price.
wishful eyes deceive me
Missuse - offer high on pure force, dont send monk or gold just yet, i might not do it, as full texts are worth more, way more
Cyborgz - okay, full texts without hands, around 150k
Killer - 25k
I dont want full texts just want 2 shins and 4 torzo pieces
u can still sell 2 thighs and 2 triceps for 50k
and u have the rest for 70k
wishful eyes deceive me
and u send 2 shins 4 torzos that I need and pure force?

EDIT: sent, waiting for items (soon please)
Last edited by missuse; Nov 6, 2009 at 08:08 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me