Secret Santa 2024
Yeah i hope so too killjade -_-... Assh*** lol jk :P
But if it does next time pay more attention to what we write -_-
Anyway now that the whole 10k payment thing is settled this thread can probably be closed lol
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Lol your fighting is futile! This thread shall close and nothing you do can stop it! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA! or maybe it won't idk i don't have power over that
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Mega rep RavisMcDeepPockets. Thanks for stepping up to the matter. Although I guess you would have stuff lying about since you did save quite abit of cash on that headtexture lol ;)

Here's a quick lesson in Money Management guys, Check you actually have the cash to bash first.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's