Originally Posted by
I totally forgot something, you did as well. The death of the mammoth WAS man related. They were pretty much hunted to extinction, in addition to climate change.
Now, read what I posted more carefully. If a several thousand year transition into a warmer climate killed that many animals, imagine what a 200 - 300 year transition does.
Seprate to events! Hunted? vs Us emmiting shit loads of carbon?
where is your logic? When the mammoths were wiped out we diddnt hunt them with climate guns... yes they became extinct, part due to climate change, but very few, and most part to hunters, but never were the two linked... and according to some of these scientists you all hold so dear, the earths climate has been changing since after the fifties, and yet there is no sign of Animal extinction on the way.
Originally Posted by
Denial of Global Warming really is similar to the 2012 phenomenon; people will prefer to believe what they see on blogs than what climatologists almost unanimously agree on.
It's partly because, as it has become old news now and the "real" news sources stopped covering it as actively, people just tend to turn to the next and last source that has anything to say. And at this point, that's a shitload of blogs and Fox News articles.
Polls show that a growing portion of the general population no longer believe Global Warming is an issue, or is caused by emissions, but among actual experts in the field, it is extremely slim.
And then, when some real scientists are sick of having to review all the papers mailed to them by these crackpots and stop accepting them, the conspiracy theorists claim this behavior points to a cover up of some sort.
Much the same thing is going on with the 2012 hype; mob psychology, denial of authorities, experts, evidence, and anything official.
Have you read the sources I put up? previously? Judging by that comment, no... There are just as many scientists saying there is Global Cooling, as there are Global Warming... Like I said before,
There is as much evidence against as for...
Climate Debate Daily is a website where SCIENTISTS are arguing with EACH OTHER... Over whats happening... not the GENRAL PUBLIC