No Deady, I am not simply repeating what others say. I do have a mind.

And contrary to what you all seem to think, not having a conscience does not make me ignorant. I'm really not sure how you make that corollary, to be honest.

When New Orleans was hit by Katrina, who helped us? Nobody. We helped ourselves. If a country is not able to do so, then of what use are they to the world?

It goes along with the old adage;
You can't help others if you don't help yourself.

Also, sorry for the short posts earlier, my phone only allows 200 characters per post :P
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
The reason nobody helped you, is that your country is the most powerful superpower in the world. And even then, your government failed miserably. Apparently, you can 'help' a country like Iraq, by invading it and stealing its resources, and yet refuse help to a country devastated by a natural disaster that no-one could do anything about.
The population of a country is not responsible for its financial situation, the administration is. Millions of people should not suffer and die, due to the incompetence of its government, and certainly not because of an incredibly wealthy nation refusing help on the grounds of 'their economy is shit'.
We are in Iraq because they have abundant natural resources (i.e, oil, oil and MORE FUCKING OIL). We are establishing a new government there for mutual benefits.

Name a single benefit of aiding Haiti in the wake of a natural (not a political, or social, or military) disaster. One that isn't "oh, teh other civilized cuntries wil liek us moar if we help".

As Stalin said,

The death of one man is a tragedy.
The death of millions is a statistic

Haiti is just another number. Nothing more.

And to those who are saying that the war in Iraq (aka the war on "terrorism") is the cause of trillions of dollars in debt, there are many, many other factors.
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Uh huh. So basically, shooting people and stealing their resources outweighs helping millions of people overcome a natural disaster.

And you wonder why other countries dislike America in general.
Warcry, generalizing a person's viewpoint into a country's is not very logical either.

Anyway, nature did its thing, and now, Haiti will be helped by a plethora of countries, in order to re-establish order. Simple as that. Shit happens.
I know that not all Americans are like that, apple. But, coming from someone who's lived in another country all his life, I know that the majority of people I know dislike America. See, when we say America, we mean the administration. America is a capitalist nation, everyone knows that. But America has also used underhanded, despicable economic tactics, particularly with developing nations.
Look, if we see an American dude walking down the street, we're not about the run up and hit him and call him a capitalist pig. We know the American public doesn't all think like the administration.
Xtreme you are a very...Mean person.
Its not about getting some damn money. Its about people like you.
Living breathing and suffering like hell people.
They didnt ask to be born in an island. Its not their fault that they have nothing to offer.
If they could they would "Offer Benefits" like big countries.
You think they like sitting around getting food worth $1 a day?
They're home is ravaged by nature. There were 4 hurricanes there in 2008
They have nothing LEFT to GIVE so THE USA SHOULD HELP THEM!!!

Do their lives mean so little?
Their damn corpses arebeing used as road Blocks.

And Ofcourse YOU being the awesome cool Financial genius YOU are youi wouldnt mind if everyone you knew and loved was dead/stuck under buildings and bricks/or being used as a road block. Money comes second before People.
We made money, money didnt make us.
Last edited by havokFX; Jan 16, 2010 at 03:05 AM.
Proud member of PIRATEZ
Havok, trying to argue that human life has any value at all to me is pointless.

People are animals at worst and tools to be used for self gain at best. I do not apply value to them, nor to myself.
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
Havok, trying to argue that human life has any value at all to me is pointless.

People are animals at worst and tools to be used for self gain at best. I do not apply value to them, nor to myself.

YOu sound like a damn tyrant...YOU MONSTER
Proud member of PIRATEZ