Kinzard, I got u on this 1, Let me tell you about this "extra sense" i often get.
I call it, the sense of savin my own ass when alot of shit is about to happen.
I used to walk late at night to and forth from my x gurlfriend's house, I'd take the back paths and the shortest route was down a bushy, rocky hill. As i would walk this damn hill I'd get this feeling like something isnt right about this place, like people are watching me, or like something is closeby that i must really escape the vacinity of my current location.... Now, knowing i had these feelings b4. like 5 minutes b4 i got into an accident and one time a lawnmower blade broke off on a pipe and flew right over my head, if i was inches taller i would've bee decaped like a goddamn tori. Anyways, so i kno the feeling and i didnt understand Y when ever i walked this path that i would get it.
5 years laytr there was alot of rain.. [i used to live in the caribbean] and one day i heard about this 'mudslide' from back home, so i checked it out. There was no mudslide, it was a friggin 500 foot sinkhole that swallowed half an appartment building and killed 5 people.
The feeling i would get was from potental critical danger that i was exposed to, in the picture in the newspaper, there was a boulder that was the last thing to fall in the sinkhole. WHO would guess that i once pissed on that big assed rock one night on my way home....
Now i trust this sense i have and i walk around NYC in the hood at any time in the night, for years i have been doin it and NEVER EVER faced trouble. but my cousin walked thru the area once at 3am and got jacked for his jewelry. N in this area, it has a reputation, nicknamed Hoodzville, Crooklyn N.Y. 1121*.
Originally Posted by
Sometimes, I can have like a 2 or 3 second dream, and it's a preview of the next day.
I remember the first one I had happen to me. We were at lunch and a friend of mine said "Oh, yeah, like that will work", and I woke up.
That day we were at lunch, and some friends and I were talking about building our own hoverboard, and sure enough, this very same kid says "Oh, yeah, like that will work".
Had those hundreds of times. Now i dont really anymore, but other stuff does happen, like i can dream and do stuff in my sleep, draw, workout etc. sometimes i even fight and spar. lol. my best 1 was boxing, i was in a boxing match and the guy punched me so hard i swung back but i jumped out of my sleep and punched my brother who was sleeping next to me, i dropped and pretended i was sleeping, he woke up as said, i told you i'm not going out there. LOL
anothertime, i was dreamin i was playing toribash, only i was the goddamn tori LOL. i almost got decapped and i got maad and kicked the shittz out of the person. here is the ill part... i woke up because i blew a kick in my gurlfriend's leg. she jumped out her sleep and i swore she was trembling. LOLOLOL once again, i pretended i was sleepin still .LOL.
But i usually draw in dreams, remember then n sketch them then i photoshop my art. let me tell you. the brain is an incredible processing machine capable of amazing tasks. Mine is just a sweet HD plasma-tablet screen with an enormous harddrive!!!
Last edited by SmileyJones; Feb 27, 2010 at 11:18 AM.
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