I been trolling 2 officials of the danish army for 6 hrs few days ago! \o/ military faggots will never have me!!!
I recieved this letter few weeks ago about the army visit, since i've the danish citizen too i HAD to go there (otherway i could get in jail or have to pay a big fine)....
then the 2nd i went to the caserm, had my logic tests, saw few brainwash videos, and then I told to the official (by speaking in english), that i couldnt understand shit (not true because also if im not really good with danish i could understand a good part of it). trololol
then we got a sandwich offerd by the army.
and we had to get under medical check... I looked the official by standing 10 cm to his face and i said "what if i refuse to get under medical check?".
LOL he from the face it seems noone never asked such thing.
he said "u have to, everyone do it, why u dont want?"
i just replied "u didnt answer at my question, there are consequences if i refuse to do that check?"
he just started to stammer nervously.
then he went to call anothe official and we been discussing a bit....