ok now updated with colors galore if you were excluded from the list plz inform me and i will add you also plz include the gift you would like to have so that will be easly noticable
Another suggestion how about the b-day boy/girl (do we even have a girl in this clan?) gets to choose the mod no matter what it is and also the settings ( but no 1 dismemberment threshold or any thing like that). So then we have a birthday/dance party (if we invite a member of [unce] and he says his tag over and over then we don't even need a boom box) :P
and if you want to be on the b-day committee then plz post. they help plan and raise money for the b-day party
My old mac used to pick up radio when I touched the audio cable to my braces.
My old mac used to pick up radio when I touched the audio cable to my braces.
God i almost sufficated after i gagged on the water i was drinking right when i saw this