Secret Santa 2024
hmm....i tryed all the schools in my neigherhood....

and hippo, i used to train judo, then some guy came and threw me in the nipples, so i quit, wasent verry fun.
By_Reading_This_You_Wasted_4_Seconds_Of_Your'e_Lif e
Touch I was thinking, and figured out:
1: you truly want help on forums? We fucking don't know you who you are, so how could we see the problem, and what the hell can some teenagers do for you?
2: so, search for a reliable relative, and tell him the problem.
3: don't fucking fight against 9th grades, while you are 157, and over numbered, and if we tell you to fight, you say no point, if we tell you not to fight, you still don't like it.
4: people cannot get help (like that) online...if I knew how you react whenever they tell you some shits, I could see why they pick on you, but I don't, and I don't really know you neither
5: avoid them. as I see your only problem is that you get beat, or maybe your family too, but these are sample...I had the same, it's only your personality that stops you from being happy, so look at things in a different way.

to sum up, We don't know you, and even if everyone wanted to help, we just cannot
bro of davidovsky
We know him.
MKSax , You and Juni only the members who doesn't know him.
Also Touch , I thought that you're inactive because you play LoL not because you're thinking to commit suicide.
And how could we notice that you're going to suicide without u telling us ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Hi guys, I'm really sorry about my seriously bad inactivity. I'll make an effort to be online from now on :|
And sorry about being gone so long, it's because I was away in a place without internet or a computer, and i got games for xmas so i was playing those for a bit.
now I shall be online more, so I guess that means I'm back

Woah, i just noticed something, I need to change my sig lol
Last edited by C4MP4; Jan 18, 2011 at 06:14 PM.
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.