Hullo. I is wants me colleczion of hedz. Halp me pl0x.
Basic description: weel, I'd like a head that is quite like the one displayed in my avatar. Except different colours, and alot of other different things.
Color scheme: Quicksilver(background), Acid and Bronze.(foreground)
Inspiration: That head in my avatar. >_> If you want, I'll pm you the .tga for it.
Customization: I would like it to say VENOM on the back in full capitals, in Acid. It shall have to have some snake venom around the text. mmkah?
Effects: Around the eyes, put Acid coloured blood around it (gawd) and really just go nuts.
Cost: I will pay up to 1500 toricredits, depending on how good it is.
I want YOU to go nuts with it, experiment, do what you think looks best. Just go nuts. Please.
No mouth btw.