Going back to my previous post, I should note that there is a very strong possiblity of me having Biploar Disorder because several family members on both sides of the family have it. I never recognized it for what it was until about a year ago. A really big part of my 'overthinking' was philosophy. Not just in terms of political leaning and such, but regarding death, eternity, etc. Really big stuff that we can't possibly try to comprehend. I've since learned to block these thoughts out, because it only gives you grief if you go too far into these things. Occasionally I get a highly intrusive philosophical thought and have a minor panic attack, but really it's mainly under control.
Interestingly, the way I got over all those thoughts was by basically destroying my ego. It helped. So much. Without an ego you can accept nearly everything. I still have self esteem, but only in the sense that I know I am equal to everyone else and not above them. Basically all my failings in life have come directly from ego. Missed romantic opportunities, I always assumed they'd come to me. Schooling, I got slack because I thought I was smart enough without studying or having further education. Even my art went downhill because I started to procrastinate due to ego.
I really do feel actually mature now. I'm laid back, I take life as it comes and I no longer stress about things I have no control over. I'm much more well adjusted and it feels fucking great.